Betting to an athlete in a horse racing means putting your money’s fate to that equine’s plight as well. However, some horse enthusiasts claimed that knowing who will win the race is unpredictable and full of uncertainties. Hence, your monetary finances are definitely at stake! Isn’t it scary ?
Yes, the sound of uncertain gambling is genuinely terrifying. But, did you know that there are means of increasing your chances in putting your bet to a potential champion? All you need to do is be observant, have a pair of keen eyes, be wise and do further researches about the competing horses before the race day.
Indeed, no one wants to empty their bank accounts just because they were negligent to tiny details about their favored horse. On the contrary and with conviction, everybody wants to double their bank digits in an instant- for sure!
Well, fortunately, you don’t have to guess which one you should put your bets especially if you are betting the Pegasus World Cup . Below are the indications that the racehorse you are betting is a potential champion.
Indicator 1: Excellent Feedback From Broadcasters
Before the race proper, the competing equines are customarily introduced by professional race commentators who give feedback and comment about the horses’ record. Listening to what they say help you choose a potential winner because what they air are usually about the previous performances of the horses if they won or lost in their past races. In other words, these broadcasters are already giving you helpful tips on which horse to bet on.
Of course, upon hearing little details about the athletes, you also have to start listing and narrowing down your choices to runners who hold the best record so far. Doing this can help you pick a horse who has already put a substantial amount of money to bank accounts of their previous bettors. Who knows, it could be yours this time!
When you look for a perfect and fit horse who could perform well in the race, consider the number of days it rested from its previous competition up until the present. Experts in the field of horse racing suggested that taking a rest for too long may negatively affect the horses’ performance. Similarly, horses having a few days of rest may also give an unfavorable run.
The right interval between racings for racehorses must be 30-60 days. If horses are given these days to merely rest, hard and extensive training are no longer needed once they enter into another race. Consequently, horses resting for more than the prescribed days may perform poorly on their next track.
Furthermore, look for a horse that was not too overused in multiple and consecutive races. Approximately, a conditioned horse must have only joined thirteen competitions for the past two years to ensure that it is still healthy and not suffering from physical fatigue. As a bettor, when you look for a potential champion, do not take these facts for granted because bearing all these in mind may significantly affect your fate in the race.
Indicator 3: Healthy Physical Features

During the parade ring, be observant and start moving your eyes to healthy-looking equines. Examine the physical features of the horses and pick those that exude wellness. These horses have higher chances of winning since their physical appearance manifests that they are fit for the race.
Look for tiny details on the horse’s physicalities that signify healthiness. Assess if the athlete’s coat is shiny enough, if its eyes are bright, if it has right and toned muscles, if its hind legs are well-developed; look for signs that the horse is in good health. In general, make sure to bet on a horse that looks athletic and fit.
Aside from the physical wellness of an equine athlete, observe its mood as well. Do you want to put your money on a temperamental player? I bet not! There are only a few things that you must look for to evaluate if the horse is in a good mood and if it is up for a good competition.
Before the actual race, watch over the athlete’s behavior. Make sure that the jockey is not having a hard time taking control of the horse because the horse is not too restraining. Also, look at the horse’s response to the crowd and the environment; it must not show any sign of fright like excessive sweating.
The horse must not always keep its head. Be keen as well in observing the horse’s condition. It must not look sleepy, tired and bored. Bucking and kicking are obvious clues that the horse is not really in a good mood for a good race. If you see these signs to an athlete, better save yourself and your pocket and stay away from this racehorse!
There is no science in betting, but being informed, wise and prepared can give you an edge to take fortunate fate in your advantage. The indicators that you are eyeing a potential racehorse winner are already laid out for you. Just follow and keep them in mind when betting with prominent racing cups, and you’ll surely not getting your money wasted!